

Brevia has successfully provided support to clients impacted by CMA market studies, investigations and advocacy activity since the CMA commenced operations in 2013. Our experience includes assisting clients with the CMA energy market investigation, the retail banking market investigation, funerals market investigation, the digital comparison tools market study, and advocacy activity in the London transport market.

The CMA was created to ensure markets work well for consumers, businesses and the economy. It is responsible for carrying out investigations into mergers, markets and the regulated industries, and enforcing competition and consumer law.

Our experienced consultants can track CMA market study and investigation developments, provide intelligence, offer guidance on messaging, draft responses, identify relevant stakeholders, and deliver a programme of targeted stakeholder meetings.


Straightforward political and communications support.

Whether you’re interested in just one or a combination of our services, we are here to help you and your organisation navigate the ever-changing political and media landscape, and deliver results.

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